Sales Training

The Positives of All Reality Sales Training Programs:

1. Constancy

You cannot learn football, basketball, piano, a martial art or become a master seller without constancy. If we are to change adults, we must be constant in our approach. Seminars are nice, but ongoing training is what brings the results our clients demand!

2. Input

Reality Sales Training has a strong opinion about sales and the sales process, but we communicate with our clients to make sure we are on the exact same page in terms of the direction of the training vis-à-vis the group and the individuals in the group. All of this is discussed on a regular basis.

3. Battle tested

Every idea, philosophy and sales technique taught and practiced in Reality Sales Training has been tested in the field of (sales) battle across many industries.

4. Thorough approach

Reality Sales Training builds the entire entrepreneurial salesperson.

The three silos of learning for the master seller are:

Technical sales skills

All the words, phrases and turns of phrases needed by the master seller. Most sellers do not know how to construct sales conversations to make sure they are yes/no – read Closing-situations. Reality Sales Training’s students study, and practice, in depth, the sales conversations they will face every day and learn how to win these conversations!

Emotional sales skills

How do we relate to our fellow man? What are the four basic personality types and how do we relate to them? What is our personality type and how can we calibrate it to others to sell more? What is likeability and can we learn it?

Internal sales skills

What self-limiting thoughts do we have? How great do we think we can be? We attack internal skills through values, focus, time management and goal setting exercises.

5. Adult Education

Reality Sales Training has been educating (changing) adults for twenty years. Adults need to be challenged. Adults need to participate. Our students are challenged through participation. Reality Sales Training will hold the interest, challenge and ultimately help make your salespeople stronger, profitable and entrepreneurial sellers.

6. Experience

My brother says, “I thought experience was BS till I got some.” I have been selling for 50 years and working with salespeople for 25. I will tell you the easy and difficult truths. We will discuss and strategize over every piece of the sales puzzle. Because I have had the opportunity to work with professionals in all facets of the lumber industry and many other industries, I bring fresh perspective based on cross-pollinization of sales experiences.

Goals of all Leadership Sales Programs

Increase gross profit of total sales for salespeople in program by 20% – 40% over twelve to twenty four months.

Reduce time to profitability for new salespeople.

Create camaraderie amongst salespeople. Team building through shared experience.